Thursday, August 19, 2010

The 2nd of many

Well, I have been given an 'unofficial' assignment of writing something everyday for the next 3 months.

And I plan to stick to with as much regularity and sincerity as possible. The first one was just before this post, so I'm counting this as the 2nd one (as in title). I don't have any specific topic that I want to blog my views on, but who cares? That was never a part of the agreement anyway.

Isn't it amazing how much time gets spent in front of the computer? Hours pass by, sleep beckons, hunger claws but I can remain glued to my laptop like it's going to grant me a wish. It is, in a way, granting me the wish of curing loneliness, boredom and sense of doing something all day without actually doing it

Contrary to  my own belief that I am capable of spending days together without any purpose, it's not working. Actually. Not. Working. On. Me. Unbelievable! I never thought it possible. Ok, not never, but I didn't think it was possible for me.

When will men ever give up their false ego? Highly irritating. Even if their at an obvious disadvantage, just will not suggest a compromise. And if it's met with an ego the size of mine, its deadlock :)
My only defense is that I'm aware of it at the very least :))

Neha dear, I'm done for the day. Come to think of it, even if there is a specific topic to yap about, I cannot completely cover all my thoughts and arguments on it. There are simply so many aspects that get neglected just because I get too tired to go through each point and type it down.

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